The Avonhead Community Group (ACG) was formed in 2012. It was incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 in 2013. We represent more than 8,000 households within the north-west of Christchurch, including residents in Avonhead, Burnside, Bryndwr, Illam and Russley.

The ACG has been founded as a neutral and non-political residents’ organisation. Its principle objective is to secure the best interests of Avonhead and the other suburbs it represents by ensuring sustainable development in all spheres of planning and implementation. To this end, it actively liaises with government and non-government organizations.

Membership of the ACG indicates support of the ACG’s principles and objectives. Membership with voting rights can be obtained at an annual subscription fee of $2 per individual or corporate body. There is no difference between the individual and corporate members with regard to their contribution to the ACG. As of end of the February 2016, there are more than 2000 financial members. The ACG’s associate members include the Christchurch International Airport Limited (CIAL) and the Hotel Commodore and Kids First Kindergarten. Further, under the Rules of the Society, the ACG’s membership automatically extends to everyone who lives in the area contained within Russley Road, Memorial Ave, Waimairi Road and Yaldhurst Road, unless a person wishes to opt out in writing.

The ACG is administered by a Committee of up to 35 members. The Committee meets regularly – bimonthly or even more often – to discuss policy decisions and formulate plans of action, as well as implement these decisions outside meeting hours. Membership of the Committee is entirely voluntary and unremunerated.

In accordance with the Incorporated Societies Act 1908, the ACG maintains a financial account that is audited by an independent auditor at the end of a financial year. It is also required to provide a financial report at each Annual General Meeting. In 2014, the IRD granted the ACG a tax exemption certificate in view of its status as a not-for-profit organisation.


How can I help ?

Become a member of the Avonhead community group.

We are a group of neighbours who are committed to serving our community voluntarily with no political agendas. If you are living within the area bound by Wairakei Road, Russley Road, Yaldhurst Road, Waimairi Road: you are automatically a member of ACG. However, if you wish to be a financial member with voting right, a nominal fee of $2.00 needs to be paid and register yourself as a financial member with your all contact details. Your active membership makes us a stronger force, please note that it is a legal requirement to ask for a fee so we comply with the rules of an incorporated society.

If there are any other questions you would like answered please send them to us and we will endeavour to answer them as best we can.